Registration for all 2024 NEE training sessions is now open.

NEE training is a yearly requirement for any school leader who conducts classroom observations using the NEE Data Tool.

School leaders who do not conduct classroom observations are welcome to complete NEE training sessions, but it is not a requirement. Required NEE training should be completed by September 1, 2024, to access the NEE Data Tool for the 2024-2025 school year. All trainings are included in the cost of a school district’s annual NEE subscription fee.

If you have questions, please contact the NEE Help Desk at 844-793-4357 or

Which NEE training is right for you?

If you have been trained by NEE within the past three years, select one of our NEE Recertification Training options (online, on-demand or in-person).

If you have not previously been trained by NEE or if it has been more than three years since you were last trained, select one of our NEE New Evaluator Training options.

If you do not conduct classroom observations with NEE, training is not required, but you might consider one of our supplementary training options to learn more about principal evaluation, using the NEE organizers, or using the NEE Data Tool.

NEE Recertification Trainings

Any of the following options will fulfill the NEE Recertification training requirement. Choose between online, on-demand training or in-person training. All components required for NEE Recertification will be completed during your training. There will be no additional exam for you to complete afterward. After the training is over, you will receive an email with a report to show completion.

Online, On-Demand NEE Recertification Training

We have prepared six options to complete your NEE Recertification training in an online, self-paced format. These trainings can be stopped and restarted as needed. As long as you use the same computer, network, and browser and do not clear your Internet cache, the training will resume where you left off. Training can be completed any time before September 1, 2024.

  • On-Demand NEE Recertification: This recertification session goes back to the basics. You will observe four classrooms (with the ability to choose from early childhood, elementary, secondary, or career technical education) and score those four classrooms on four indicators. You will compare your scores with master scores and share your thoughts on effective feedback. (The link to begin this training will be sent to you immediately after you register.)
  • Long-Term Teacher Growth: This session concentrates on long-term individual teacher development through teacher growth cycles that narrow the focus of your evaluations and respect the time it takes for real behavior change. In this training, we’ll utilize NEE’s four paths to effective feedback as well as the educator growth cycle. (The link to begin this training will be sent to you immediately after you register.)
  • Strengths-Based Evaluation: In this session, we introduce the concept of strength-based professional growth, identify ways character strengths can be utilized in support of classroom instruction, and walk through a process for incorporating your teachers’ character strengths into your feedback conversations. You will utilize NEE’s four paths to effective feedback to practice giving feedback after classroom observations. (The link to begin this training will be sent to you immediately after you register.)
  • Indicator Deep Dives: This is a new option! Instead of one multi-hour training, you will pace yourself through three shorter sessions on a “deep dive” of one indicator. The first session will be available by August 1 and must be completed by September 1. The next two sessions will be completed during the fall semester. Completing all three sessions will fulfill your NEE Recertification training requirement. These indicator deep dives are meant to strengthen foundational knowledge of a specific indicator, build skills to evaluate that indicator with more accuracy, and apply your knowledge and skills during classroom observations.  We will have deep dives available for three indicators (you will choose one):

In-Person NEE Recertification Training

In-person NEE Recertification sessions are scheduled across the region. In-person training sessions focus on classroom observation scoring and feedback processes. These sessions will be a great opportunity to collaborate on scoring with your peers to discuss and calibrate.  You will compare your scores with master scores and share your thoughts on effective feedback. Spaces and sessions are limited, and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. See the schedule and register for an in-person training in your area

NEE New Evaluator Trainings

NEE’s New Evaluator Training sessions are held in-person. We value the relationships that are built and the learning that takes place during these foundational learning days for leaders and evaluators who are new to NEE. In this training, we focus on educator growth cycles and feedback paths while weaving in information about our classroom observation scoring rubrics, recommended processes and procedures, and navigation of the NEE Data Tool. Each New Evaluator Training session takes two days. See the schedule and register for an in-person training in your area

NEE Supplementary Trainings

We have several supplementary training options to support school leaders who do not conduct classroom observations, as well as those who want to learn more about NEE processes and systems. Each of these sessions is available online and on-demand. Online, on-demand training is completed at your own pace and can be stopped and restarted as needed; as long as you use the same computer, browser, and network, and do not clear your Internet cache, the training will resume where you left off. When you register, you will receive a link to start training.

  • Principal Evaluation: For superintendents or any other administrators who supervise building-level administrators, this training module reviews NEE’s principal evaluation process. You’ll work through implementation timelines, the measures available for principal evaluation, and how to customize the process to fit your needs and those of the administrators in your district.
  • Narrative Organizers: Many of NEE’s evaluation processes involve the scoring of organizers and narratives. We’re talking about Professional Development Plans, Units of Instruction, and specialist organizers available for counselors, librarians, speech-language pathologists, and instructional coaches. This training provides an overview of the structure, recommended timeline, and ways to support your staff as they work through these evaluation processes. We will also work through recommendations for how to use the organizers with NEE’s feedback paths to support collaboration and growth.
  • EdHub/Data Tool Deep Dive: In this training session, you’ll explore the NEE Data Tool section by section. We explain how to access the many reports, scorings, and features that support your evaluation work. We also highlight the professional development materials offered within EdHub.

NEE Webinars

NEE hosts several free webinars throughout the school year to help you get the most out of using NEE. View the list of NEE’s upcoming webinars and get registered to join us!

If you have questions about NEE training, please contact the NEE Help Desk at 844-793-4357 or