Say hello to the NEE POWERHub, a peer observation tool that simplifies collaboration to support, grow, and retain teachers.

With an easy scheduling tool, a focused protocol, and guided feedback and reflections, the NEE POWERHub is a game-changer in the world of peer observation for educators.

Experience the power of peer observation with the NEE POWERHub – where collaboration meets empowerment, and growth becomes a shared journey.

Teacher in front of colleagues using peer observation tool


The NEE POWERHub simplifies collaboration in your school, making peer observations both effective and manageable. Key features include:

  • Easy scheduler: The NEE POWERHub makes it easy to coordinate peer observations between teachers in the building, taking school leaders out of the scheduling process.
  • Guided reflection and collaboration: The tool facilitates reflection through pre-observation, observation, and post-observation conversations, promoting collaboration and continuous improvement.
  • Systemized, focused protocol: The tool streamlines and standardizes the peer observation process to ensure consistent and high-quality feedback. Each observation includes a designated focus to facilitate thoughtful and specific feedback that supports professional growth.
  • Asynchronous observations and self-reflections: The tool allows the ability to link to videos, enabling peer observations and self-reflections to be conducted asynchronously, making it more convenient for everyone involved and eliminating the need for substitute teachers.
  • Single sign-on, secured data: The NEE POWERHub is housed in the secure NEE Data Tool online platform, and peer observations are only shared with the individuals teachers choose.
  • Insightful reports: The NEE POWERHub offers reports to help school leaders understand how peer observations are being used in the school.
  • EdHub access: As a bonus, you gain access to NEE’s on-demand professional learning library, EdHub, enriching your educators’ skills and knowledge.

The NEE POWERHub Advantage

There are many ways the NEE POWERHub can benefit your school. To name a few:

  • Teacher onboarding and retention: Peer observation is an invaluable process for successfully onboarding and supporting new teachers and retaining experienced teachers. The NEE POWERHub helps school leaders implement and manage peer observations to create a supportive and growth-oriented environment.
  • Effective professional development: Peer observation is one of the most effective professional development activities, providing specific and relevant feedback to enhance teaching practices for a fraction of the cost of sit-and-get PD.
  • Backed by research: The NEE POWERHub is grounded in research-based best practices for peer observation, ensuring your school reaps the benefits from implementation.
  • Relief for administrators: Using the NEE POWERHub takes school administrators out of the task of scheduling and managing peer observations, allowing them to focus on other responsibilities while knowing important instructional feedback is taking place for teachers.

Supporting Research

There are many documented benefits of peer observation. Research shows:

  • Student achievement increases when teachers participate in a low-stakes program of peer evaluation. This is true both for students in the observer’s classroom and for those in the classroom where the observation takes place.
  • The process of evaluating teachers to improve their instructional practices is more effective when teachers play an active role. Self and peer observations can provide an active role for teachers, resulting in professional growth that far exceeds what teachers typically gain through traditional professional development sessions.
  • Teachers develop their skills primarily through a process of individual trial and error. By encouraging collaboration in the teacher’s improvement efforts, peer observations can eliminate the practice of isolated trial and error.
  • Teachers who have more control over their practice are more likely to improve educational outcomes for their students. Self and peer observations put the teacher in the driver’s seat; the feedback and data belong to the teacher.
  • When done well, peer observation with feedback and reflection improves professional practice and can be an important part of a teacher’s professional development.
  • Improvements in instructional practice can be linked to an increased number of observations. The use of peers as observers can increase the number of observations while reducing the burden on school administrators.
  • Teachers receive a more reliable assessment of their skills when more observations are conducted. They receive more feedback and have more opportunities to use the feedback to improve their practice.
  • When peer observers are matched by grade level or content area, they have more insight into the content knowledge and content-specific pedagogy of the lesson. They can be more accurate observers, may provide more credible feedback, and may be of more help in coaching.


POWERHub Overview

POWERHub Demo – A Colleague Observes Me

Success Stories

Bayless School District (St. Louis, Mo.)

Read the case study

“Having a tool to streamline peer observation – to really help us focus and document all of our efforts around peer observation – was really pivotal for us. We are now better equipped to embed peer observations into our mentoring program and our teachers’ professional development plans, making sure learning is embedded in the work we do every day. Some of the best professional development is the teacher right down the hall.”

– Amelia Ruzicka, Superintendent

POWERHub Pricing

$50 per user
Standard price

$40 per user
Price for schools that subscribe to NEE evaluation tool

Request a Demo

Let us show you the POWER of peer observation with the NEE POWERHub. Submit your information below, and a member of our team will contact you soon.

POWERHub Demo Request